Best Seller

Best Seller is a 1987 crime film written by Larry Cohen, directed by John Flynn and starring James Woods and Brian Dennehy. The film tells the story of Cleve Woods, a career hitman, who wants to turn his life story into a book written by Dennis Meechum Dennehy, a veteran police officer and bestselling author.

On a case at the docks, a suspect runs as Meechum gives chase. A man named Cleve James Woods joins the chase. The suspect hides in an overhead crane and attempts to shoot Meechum, but Cleve kills the man, then mysteriously disappears.Cleve arranges a meeting with Meechum, and tries to convince to write a book about his history as a paid assassin for a corporate empire, Kappa International. Cleve intimidates Kappas founder, David Madlock Paul Shenar about Meechums next book, and promises Meechum to show evidence to back up his claims. They proceed to take trips to New York and Texas where Cleve tries to convince Meechum of his history of hits. While they are in Texas, it is revealed that Cleve was the injured masked gunmen that Meechum had stabbed years earlier. Madlock, through his legal representatives, tries to bribe Meechum but fails. ........

Source: Wikipedia